Welcome to Lydia's World

It is with great sadness that we announce that
the July 19th Luau fundraiser at the
The Ugly Moose
has been canceled.

We would like to thank the Ugly Moose for their generosity.

Thank you to everyone who has worked so tirelessly. The time and effort you put into planning the event, practicing with the band and handing out flyers is greatly appreciated.

We remain dedicated to supporting quality of life issues facing children who are being treated for childhood cancer. Our aim is to create awareness of neuroblastoma, a rare childhood cancer. Someday soon there will be a cure.

For information about neuroblastoma please e-mail  lydiasluau@verizon.net

Pony tail Lydia

About Lydia

  On September 1st 2006,  at 22 months of age,  
Lydia Nicole Frederick was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. Lydia underwent 4 months of chemotherapy, surgery to remove most of her tumor,
2-tandem stem cell transplants, 6 rounds of total body irradiation and 6 rounds of radiation to her belly
(the site of the initial tumor).
Sadly, on the morning of September 8th 2007 at 4:54am Lydia passed away at the age of 2.

About Neuroblastoma

Neurblastoma is a cancer of the sympathetic nervous system effecting about 650 children in the US every year. Why neuroblastoma strikes is a mystery. There is currently no way of knowing what child will get this disease or even what causes it. There is currently no cure and the survival rate is less than 40%.
The Relapse survival rate is 0%.


 contact us lydiasluau@verizon.net  
©2008 Lydia's Luau Foundation